Tuesday, August 5, 2008

keith richards

keith richards
Originally uploaded by tonbabydc
It's not lost on me that I'm a fortunate person, who has led a fortunate life. And yet, moments of triumph have been few and far between for me on this planet. It makes those memories, as Whitman might say, both sweet and sad.

Everything about the decision to attend this concert was foolish: the show was in Washington on a Wednesday night. I was attending college in Philly...and didn't own a car.
But I bought the tickets anyway.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I looked at the class syllabus in January and realized that I had a test the afternoon following this concert.

Throwing common sense to the wind, I decided to take the train home to D.C., go to my parents' house, grab dinner, round up my brothers, and jump on the metro.

Keith opened up by covering Eddie Cocheran's "Something Else" and it just might have been the sharpest moment of the show. 

I remember that he played "999" and "Time Is On My Side", as well as a healthy number of other Stones covers.

But the moment of the evening was when the band went past their allotted time, and the sound was cut off during an extended vamp on the end of "Happy".

Yep, they pulled the plug on Keith Fucking Richards.

Don't ever let anyone tell you D.C. isn't a union town.

I overslept the next day but still managed to make my train back to Philly. And I got an A on the exam. 

And this, my friends, was probably the closest I came to a moment of triumph in the year of 1993.

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